Sweet Corn

We feel that we raise and sell some of the sweetest corn around.  We pick fresh everyday and we think that makes all the difference.


We offer eggs from our own chickens.  Our chickens are not free-range as they love our garden.  They have a fenced in area around their coop in which to run around.  They are fed fresh water, non-medicated grain, grass clippings and extra vegetable from our gardens.

Our Products


We also sell hay so you can feed your animals.  We make both round and square bales.  We usually have both first and second crop hay available.

Findview Farm

Grass-fed Beef

Grass-fed beef is a leaner choice and has a more favorable ratio of omega fatty acids.  You will notice a taste difference between our beef and beef that you buy at the grocery store.  With Grass-fed beef you need to be careful about how you cook it.  Because it is leaner, you don't need to cook it as long.  If you do it will become very tough.

Our beef is born and raised here on our farm.  They are raised all natural, with fresh water, pasture, hay, and haylage (chopped grass).  All natural means we do not use growth hormones or antibiotics to increase growth.  They are not organic as we would like to have the option to treat with antibiotics if they were to get sick.  No animal goes to market with antibiotic residue.  We have participated in the Maine Beef Quality Assurance Program.

Seasonal Vegetables

We grow a variety of vegetables throughout the summer.  We offer potatoes, tomatoes, green beans, summer squash, and cucumbers.  We also raise winter squash and pumpkins for fall harvest.

Pork and Lamb
We are now raising sheep and pigs on a full time basis.

We decide to start breeding pigs so we bought a boar and kept one of our feeder pigs for breeding.  We strive for two litters a year, keeping what we will raise for meat and selling the extras.

The piglets are raised on fresh water, non-medicated grain and left over vegetables from our gardens.

We have also started a small flock of sheep.  They are mainly Katahdins and Katahdin crosses. We bought a dorper ram and our goal is to lamb twice a year.  The lambs are given fresh water, pasture, hay, and a small amount of corn, oats, and barley.